
Grupo Asulcabo, S.A., formerly known as Asulcabo Multimédia, S.A., is a South Matamanian media holding company whose main assets include a cable and ISP operator (Asulcabo), a mobile phone operator (Orange) and a movie distributor (Asulmundo Audiovisuais). Its services include cable television, cable internet and VOIP. The company is owned by ASOR, SGPS, S.A. (joint-venture between Ferreirageste, Sonae and Grupo Gensaúde, 26,82% stake), Orbitel-MBS Group (24,61% stake), Orange S.A. (22,76% stake), Banco BNI (4,53% stake), Barrinveste (César Barreto, 3,49%​ stake), Grupo Gensaúde (2,14% stake) and Morgan Stanley (2,02% stake).


Asulcabo 1994 Logo


Asulcabo 2004


Asulcabo 2008


Nationwide pay television providers in South Matamah
Cable television:
Asulcabo | Telecabo | Nowo | UPC

Direct-broadcast satellite:
Telesat | Asulcabo

Telesat | Nowo | Vodafone TV | Movistar TV | Claro TV | Choiss IPTV | AR Telecom

Grupo Asulcabo, SGPS, S.A.
Asulcabo | Orange | Clix | WTF | WOO | Asulcabo Wi-Fi1 | Asulmundo Audiovisuais | Cinemas Asulmundo

Asulcabo Conteúdos:
OTN | Neos | Reese | Axtel | TMC | TMC Top | TMC Crush | TSF TV2 | MBS News World3 | Geia Network | Geia Wisdom | Glamnet | OTN Movies

Canais Asulmundo:
Asulmundo Top | Asulmundo Edition | Asulmundo Action | Asulmundo Emotion

Sport TV2:
Sport TV1 | Sport TV2 | Sport TV3 | Sport TV+ | Sport FM | Sport TV Meridécia | Sport TV Meridécia 2

Other assets:
Warner Asulmundo Cinemas4 | Zap (30%) | Asulmundo Hisqaida5

1Joint-venture with Fon.
2Joint-venture with Global Notícias Media.
3Distribution only.
4Joint-venture with WarnerMedia.
5Joint-venture with Orbitel Holdings.

Orbitel Holdings, Inc.
Orbitel TV | Orbitel Fybe | Orbitel Sat | Orbitel Phone | Orbitel Mobile | Orbitel Interactive

Orbitel Networks:
English-speaking channels:
OTN | OTN Edge | OTN Classics | Orbit Family Channel | Orbit Movie Channel | TMC | TMC Crush | TMC Top | TMC Party | TMC Street | TMC Greats

Spanish-speaking channels:

Portuguese-speaking channels:
Rede OTN | Asulmundo Hisqaida

Eikaroth-speaking channels:
OTN Ikeriath

Orbitel International Networks:
OTN Movies | OTN Horizon | OTN Unix | TMC International

M3 Networks1:
Neos | Reese TV | Glamnet | Axtel | Geia Network | Geia Wisdom

Orbit Entertainment Group:
Film production:
Orbit Pictures | Silver Hills Cinema | StudioHisqenia | Crafthouse Films | Gala Films | Orbit Geia1

Television production/distribution:
Orbit Television Studios | Orbit Television Distribution | Orbit International Television

Home entertainment:
Orbit Home Entertainment

Orbit Music Group:
Orbit Records | Alpire Records

Orbitel Worldwide:
Selestar | Eustar SE (Rialmany | Itainy | Polskaide | Mayagia | ASB | SelecTV | Grupo Asulcabo2 | ABS) | Neustar (25%) | NET (60%) | One (Murakami | Hokusei | Shokaiwan | Kyowa) | Gonghei Broadband Network (35%)

Corus Entertainment

Related companies:
MBS Media Group

1Joint-venture with Minaria Publishing House and the Geia Institute.
2Through its 25% stake on ASOR, SGPS, S.A.

Orbitel 2019