
Asulmundo Audiovisuais is a South Matamanian integrated media corporation founded in 1953, which has major interests in movie distribution, cinema theaters and media assets, being the South Matamanian distributor for Orbit Home Entertainment, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, Universal Pictures Home Entertainment and Paramount Home Media Distribution. It iss owned by Grupo Asulcabo since 2000.


Asulmundo Logo Old


Asulmundo 2008


Asulmundo Logo
Grupo Asulcabo, SGPS, S.A.
Asulcabo | Orange | Clix | WTF | WOO | Asulcabo Wi-Fi1 | Asulmundo Audiovisuais | Cinemas Asulmundo

Asulcabo Conteúdos:
OTN | Neos | Reese | Axtel | TMC | TMC Top | TMC Crush | TSF TV2 | MBS News World3 | Geia Network | Geia Wisdom | Glamnet | OTN Movies

Canais Asulmundo:
Asulmundo Top | Asulmundo Edition | Asulmundo Action | Asulmundo Emotion

Sport TV2:
Sport TV1 | Sport TV2 | Sport TV3 | Sport TV+ | Sport FM | Sport TV Meridécia | Sport TV Meridécia 2

Other assets:
Warner Asulmundo Cinemas4 | Zap (30%) | Asulmundo Hisqaida5

1Joint-venture with Fon.
2Joint-venture with Global Notícias Media.
3Distribution only.
4Joint-venture with WarnerMedia.
5Joint-venture with Orbitel Holdings.
